Hosting for beginners

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If you are at the point to choose a hosting company, it is very important that you take a number of aspects into account. If you do not take this in consideration, it may happen that you have to switch to another provider afterwards and this will bring costs with it. If you read and apply the following points in your search for a good hosting, you can be sure that you will make the right choice when choosing a good company.


Price and location

Nowadays, if you look at the number of providers that offer hosting is huge and growing each day. The great advantage of increasing competition is that prices have fallen dramatically. If you look at hosting for a WordPress website, you can assume that no more than 30 euros per year has to be spent for a great solution. This is under condition that you should not have heavy modules installed at your website and high visitor numbers. Nowadays it is even possible to manage multiple websites from one hosting. The costs for a multi website are slightly more. Location also plays a role, because in America the hosting prices are quite lower. In America it’s even the case that you get an unlimited account there for a reasonable price. With this account you can create so many websites as you want, but keep in mind that this is a shared hosting with a lot of other websites on the server. From a search engine optimization perspective this is a no-go.

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The control panel

As soon as you want to purchase a hosting, it is very important that you pay attention to making it as easy as possible. First of all, it is always wise to check which control panel a hosting company uses. For example, if you want a WordPress website, a control panel like cPanel and Direct admin is very user-friendly and accessible. Of course you can also go for a control panel from Plesk, but the advice is to choose a cPanel so that you can easily get started.


Save capacity

If you choose a hosting company and a hosting package, it is always good to take the storage capacity into review. In many cases, a maximum of a number of GB may be used. If you are about to build a small website, this will be no problem, but if you are building a large web shop, it is advisable to take this into account immediately.

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In addition, it is also advisable to have a look at the maximum bandwidth that is offered. This is again offered in GB per month. The bandwidth indicates how much traffic is possible in a month on your website. In general, these figures are taken broadly, but it is certainly advisable to take this into account, because nothing is more annoying than choosing a hosting when your website cannot handle it due to the many visitors.


Last but not least, support

When we look at America again, it is common that you as a customer can expect support for your hosting 24 hours a day. This will often result in questions being answered within minutes. In the Netherlands, the standard is slightly lower, but the quality of the Dutch support is also very good. Support is extremely important if you have any questions and that is why it is good to research this in advance. You want to avoid being in certain situations where you have no support.
