Cloud VPS Servers Petah Tikva Israel

Cloud VPS Servers Petah Tikva Israel

Cores 1, Ram 1 GB, NVMe 25 GB Petah Tikva Israel

11 /Month
  • CPU: 1 Core
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Disk: 25 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 100 Mbps, Bandwidth Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 2, Ram 2 GB, NVMe 40 GB Petah Tikva Israel

13 /Month
  • CPU: 2 Cores
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Disk: 40 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 150 Mbps, Bandwidth Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 2, Ram 4 GB, NVMe 60 GB Petah Tikva Israel

19 /Month
  • CPU: 2 Core
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Disk: 60 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 200 Mbps, Traffic Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 4, Ram 6 GB, NVMe 70 GB Petah Tikva Israel

27 /Month
  • CPU: 4 Core
  • RAM: 6 GB
  • Disk: 70 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 250 Mbps, Traffic Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 4, Ram 8 GB, NVMe 90 GB Petah Tikva Israel

31 /Month
  • CPU: 4 Core
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Disk: 90 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 300 Mbps, Traffic Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 6, Ram 10 GB, NVMe 100 GB Petah Tikva Israel

47 /Month
  • CPU: 6 Core
  • RAM: 10 GB
  • Disk: 100 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 350 Mbps, Traffic Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 8, Ram 12 GB, NVMe 150 GB Petah Tikva Israel

57 /Month
  • CPU: 8 Core
  • RAM: 12 GB
  • Disk: 150 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 400 Mbps, Traffic Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 10, Ram 14 GB, NVMe 170 GB Petah Tikva Israel

77 /Month
  • CPU: 10 Core
  • RAM: 14 GB
  • Disk: 170 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 450 Mbps, Traffic Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 16, Ram 16 GB, NVMe 210 GB Petah Tikva Israel

93 /Month
  • CPU: 16 Core
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • Disk: 210 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 500 Mbps, Traffic Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Very High Performance Cloud VPS Servers Petah Tikva Israel

Cloud VPS Servers Petah Tikva Israel

Cloud VPS Servers in Petah Tikva, Israel: Revolutionizing Local and Global Business Landscapes

In the burgeoning city of Petah Tikva, Israel, technological advancements are not just keeping pace with global standards but often setting them. Among the most significant of these advancements are Cloud Virtual Private Servers (VPS), which are becoming a cornerstone for businesses seeking robust, scalable, and secure computing solutions., a leader in providing cutting-edge server solutions, is at the forefront of offering Cloud VPS services in Petah Tikva, catering to a diverse range of business needs from startups to large enterprises.

Why Petah Tikva?

Petah Tikva, often referred to as the “Mother of Settlements,” has transformed into one of Israel’s most dynamic tech hubs. Its proximity to Tel Aviv, coupled with a more relaxed urban environment, makes it an attractive location for tech companies and startups. The city is home to numerous high-tech parks, research and development centers, and incubators, fostering a fertile ground for innovation and technological advancement.

The Advantages of Cloud VPS Servers

Scalability: One of the primary benefits of Cloud VPS is its scalability. Businesses in Petah Tikva can start with what they need and scale up as their needs grow, without the need for significant upfront capital investment in physical hardware.

Cost-Effectiveness: With Cloud VPS, you pay for what you use. This on-demand model provides businesses with the ability to control costs more effectively, which is particularly beneficial for startups and small businesses that need to manage their financial resources wisely.

Performance: Cloud VPS servers provide high performance. By hosting applications and websites on servers in a local data center in Petah Tikva, businesses benefit from reduced latency and faster load times, enhancing user experience and satisfaction.

Security: Security is paramount, and Cloud VPS offers robust security features. These include automated backups, disaster recovery capabilities, and advanced threat detection systems that are essential for protecting sensitive data and maintaining business continuity.

Customization: Cloud VPS servers offer a high degree of customization. Businesses can choose their operating system, configure software applications, and adjust resources to suit their specific requirements.

Cloud VPS Configuration and Management provides a comprehensive suite of tools and support for managing Cloud VPS environments. From the initial setup to ongoing maintenance, businesses can leverage’s expertise to ensure their server environments are optimized for their specific needs.

Setup and Deployment: Setting up a Cloud VPS is straightforward with’s user-friendly control panel. Users can select their desired OS, software packages, and security settings, and have their server up and running in no time.

Ongoing Management: offers managed services that include regular updates, security patches, and technical support, allowing businesses to focus on their core activities without worrying about server management.

Technical Support: With 24/7 technical support from, businesses in Petah Tikva have immediate access to professional assistance whenever they need it, ensuring minimal downtime and optimal performance.

Use Cases in Petah Tikva

Startups: Cloud VPS is ideal for startups that need a flexible, high-performance computing solution that can scale quickly as their user base grows.

Software Developers: Developers benefit from Cloud VPS’s ability to provide environments for testing and deployment that are separate from production environments, reducing the risks associated with direct deployment on live servers.

E-commerce: E-commerce businesses particularly benefit from the high availability and performance consistency provided by Cloud VPS, ensuring that their online stores are accessible 24/7 without interruptions.

Data Analytics: Companies dealing with big data can leverage the processing power of Cloud VPS to perform complex data analyses without the need for expensive on-premises hardware.


Petah Tikva’s strategic position as a tech hub in Israel makes it an ideal location for deploying Cloud VPS solutions. is dedicated to providing top-tier Cloud VPS services that meet the diverse needs of modern businesses, ensuring they have the tools to grow and succeed in an increasingly digital world. With scalable, cost-effective, and secure server solutions, businesses in Petah Tikva are well-equipped to tackle the challenges of today and seize the opportunities of tomorrow.
